Business Travel Made Easy
Cheaper than Hotel Accommodation with Admin Costs reduced!
Our business travel package is designed to help give you easier access to your customers. We understand your key priorities are to meet your customers needs and grow your business in the most time efficient and cost saving way you can. Please take a look at the advantages of our corporate travel accommodation package for your business and contact our Corporate team for more information.
Have easier access to your customers
- Be available where and when your customer needs you
- Save time not hunting for accommodation with one reservation for multiple locations
- Save time on-route with One check-in and one check out for multiple locations
- Save time and avoid long and tiring detours to access available accommodation
- Visit more customers and grow your business with all the time you have saved

Save you and your company time and money
- Cut your admin costs by combining travel and accommodation costs into one invoice
- Don’t miss your dinner because everything is shut by the time you get back to your accommodation!
- Reduce travel days with accommodation closer to your customers
- Use our travel consultants to plan and book your business travel
- Flexible scheduling for mealtimes and travel time
- Take your mobile office with you on your trip
- Combine ‘your time’ with ‘work time’ in beautiful scenery and make your Off Time your Own Time!
Meet your customers timescales

Don’t have your movements determined by unnecessary lodging logistics
Available all year round

Don’t let rural seasonal availability affect your customer relationships
Reduce travel admin with 1 reservation

Use one accommodation supplier to book all of your accommodation and travel
Make your off time your own time

Enjoy a room with your choice of view and do what you enjoy around your work trip
How does our Business Travel Package differ from our normal campervan rental offering?
- We charge our corporate travellers a daily rate so that you can pick up your campervan and return your campervan at any time of day giving you complete flexibility to reach your customers when they want to see you
- We understand the time taken to book ferries and accommodation for business trips spanning multiple days and have included the booking of any ferries and campsites in our corporate travel package
- We will bill your company for your trip with one invoice for the whole trip including the security charge for your campervan insurance excess and charge you just £1 as the driver to be refunded on your return

What does our Business Travel Package Include?
- Hire of one of our modern VW California Ocean campervans
- All equipment* is included should you wish to self-cater on your business trip
- Unlimited mileage across the UK
- Corporate Account for easier and faster booking and invoicing
- Booking of campsites and ferries
- Express checkout and check in for returning customers
- Our standard insurance cover – reduced excess available at increased daily price
*Equipment includes bedding, towel, kitchen equipment, camping gas, outdoor furniture, safety equipment
Who is our Business and Corporate Travel Package for?
We have designed our business travel package for corporate and business travellers who need to reach customers in remote and busy locations of the UK where it is difficult to find local accommodation close to your customers and remote work place.
Whether you are a corporate worker, public worker, self-employed or work for a small business, we have the business travel solution for you.
Industries we work with include: Healthcare; Financial Services; Renewables; Media; Marine Engineering; Engineering; MOD; Forestry; Public Sector.

Why choose Four Seasons Campers to provide your workers with travel acccomodation?
- You can travel with confidence. We offer 24/7 support to our customers.
- We will work with your business travel decision maker to help them understand the savings in time and money by choosing a campervan as your transport and accommodation provider for your business trip with comparative accommodation rates provided.
- We understand the value of flexibility to meet your customers’ needs and will work with you to assist you making your trip efficient and cost effective to increase your profitability.
Case Study for Campervan Travel for Work in Rural Areas
The Challenge
Chris is in financial services and a financial adviser and is based out of Helensburgh on the West Coast of Scotland. Chris has many personal clients in remote parts of Scotland who he visits two or three times a year for one-to-one catch ups.
In the summer months the Scottish Outer Hebridean islands are a magnet for tourists and finding accommodation is difficult due to a shortage in accommodation availability . Accommodation is also generally larger and aimed at families or multiple families with islands such as Barra only hosting one hotel and 5 B&Bs across the island. It is equally hard in the winter when accommodation providers are closed.
‘If I am in the campervan, everything is running on my schedule. If I’m not in a campervan, I’m driven by availability, check-in times, check out times and meal times. I don’t have to worry about that in a campervan. You control your schedule and agenda.’
Chris normally uses an online business travel platform to make his travel accommodation bookings. He has to research the places he is going to and work out time to travel between hotels and B&Bs
Chris told us, ‘The only place I could have got accommodation on Skye was at the other end of island so I would have had to add an extra day onto the trip to be there and then go loop back the next day.’
Due to the lack of accommodation and the location of the only available accommodation , Chris was able to do his whole trip in one day less.
The Solution
- Chris hired a Four Seasons Campers luxury VW campervan – enabling him a relaxed drive to the islands with his accommodation with him and the ability to cook for himself if he wished to
- Four Seasons Campers booked Chris’s campsites for him and made suggestions for places he could eat should he wish to dine out
- Four Seasons Campers booked Chris’s ferry for him saving him valuable time
- Four Seasons Campers offered Chris flexible pick up time and drop off time with an option of a fast track return to save him even more time
The Advantages
- Chris saved the company money by booking a vehicle with its own accommodation decreasing the cost of mileage charge and nightly hotel fees .’overall cost was considerably les thatn the equivalent package of own car, mileage and accommodation
- Chris was able to eat within his nightly allowance budget as he had cooking facilities in the campervan thereby saving himself money on his trip – eat more flexibily and more choice for self – catering . miss breakfast at hotel if up and about
- Chis is a lover of the outdoors and sitting in his rented campervan under the stars with a magnificent view was a far better choice for him than being in a hotel with limited views from his bedroom and the actual location was his choice . for chris, there is no accommodation at top of beach on north uist but is in a campervan
- It enabled him to save putting mileage on his own vehicle
- It enabled him to make one booking rather than multiple bookings to travel through the islands and see his customers face to face